MeVis supports the OPUS Skills Masterclass Liver Surgery in Essen, Germany

February 6-7, 2025, Essen, Germany

The first masterclass of this new OPUS Skills event series addresses specialists and senior physicians with previous experience in surgery. Focusing on essential techniques in liver surgery in theory and practice, attendees will apply such techniques on their own within hands-on training under realistic surgical conditions while being intensively supervised by expert mentors.

MeVis is honored to support the OPUS Skills Masterclass for Liver Surgery with MeVis Liver Suite and MeVis Distant Services – in preoperative planning and in training: Surgeons have the opportunity to visualize and evaluate their virtual surgery scenarios with the detailed individual anatomy of the organ and to interactively define different planning variants that help them determine their appropiate surgical strategy prior to intervention.

We look forward to this unique event.

Want to learn more? - Contact us at info(at) for more information.